2023 Hi-Tech Hydrogen Energy Industry Summit
As a leading manufacturer for hydrogen energy
manufacturing equipment, Bright Technology Group is committed to research
and development as well as innovation of green hydrogen production technology, and
continues to contribute to technological breakthroughs in the industry.

From April 25th to 26th, the "2023 High-tech Hydrogen Energy Industry Summit" sponsored by Hi-Tech Hydrogen Power and Hi-Tech Hydrogen Power Industry Research Institute (GGII) was grandly held in Nikko Hotel Suzhou. JD Zhao, deputy general manager of Bright Technology Group at the meeting, he gave a wonderful speech on the theme of ""Leading" Electrolyzed Water Hydrogen Production Automated Production Line Solution", introducing the company's new automatic intelligent production equipment for electrolyzers adopted by the company to improve the technology of traditional green hydrogen manufacturing equipment, which not only solves the problem of numerous and complicated procedures in the traditional process, and brought significant cost reduction and efficiency increase, was favored and highly recognized by the participating experts.
Since its establishment in 2005, Bright
Technology has provided many smart factory cases for the new energy industry.
Among them, the company's hydrogen energy equipment includes automated
supporting equipment for the mass production of hydrogen tanks for vehicles,
automated production equipment for hydrogen production by water electrolysis,
hydrogen fuel cell stack product assembly lines, and automated assembly lines
for automotive fuel cell systems.